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Wally Winker

"I accept my fate, now you can do your worst."


Portrayed By

Joel Hunter

First Appearance

Season 3 Episode 1: Anomaly

Last Regular Appearance

Season 3, Episode 6: Death By Paradox

Nobody knows his true intentions, but Wally has been known to help on both the sides of good and evil.

Originating from the Celestial Realm, he was cursed by his people and was trapped in the form of the terrifying Wicker in the haunted Fitzroy house.

As time passed, his true form came back, and he remained the caretaker of the house hoarding ghosts of Violet from across the multiverse in the hope to bring her back from the universe she and Mandrake were sent to.

When his mission was complete, he assisted Grizzler in kidnapping Yodalin to release her from her earthly bonds when they discovered she was the disguised creature that Genesis and Exodus left behind on their last venture on Earth.

Not long after, Grizzler vowed to torture Wally until he told him where to find the Resurrection Blade, which lead them to their brief alliance with the Flickerer.

Once all had ended and Yodalin was separated from her former self, Lydia entrusted Wally to run Gibbon's Guild Bookshop in her absence, but it was bound to be sooner or later that Wally would end up on his next misadventure.

All Stories

3.1 Anomaly

3.5 3nDgAM3

3.6 Death By Paradox



Need-To-Know Facts

  • Wally keeps his  intentions tight-lipped, but acts for good rather than evil.

  • Nobody knows where Wally really comes from, but it is suspected like Professor Paradox, he too is a Celestial being.

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