The Other Professor
"You were never meant to be Professor Paradox!"
Portrayed By
Simon Fisher-Becker
First Appearance
Season 2, Episode 2: The Curious Case Of The Speckled Hen
Last Regular Appearance
Season 2, Episode 7: The Bard At Factor's End
All Stories
2.2 The Curious Case Of The Speckled Hen
2.3 Blood Of The Crawlies
2.6 Bone Island
2.7 The Bard At Factor's End
This version of the Professor exists in a universe where everything occurs slightly differently in Melbourne 1968, where he and his friends Lucinda and Hector keep the city in order.
He however traverses across to our universe when he learns that the Professor we have come to know is also from another universe, and was tasked by the Celestial Realm to find the true identity.
In doing so, he released Max from his human self and ensured he and Lucy entered the Eternal Realm safely bringing order to reality once again.
It is assumed he returned to his proper timeline, but little information is known.
Need-To-Know Facts
Coming Soon...
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