"I stand by my master's word, I was the one always left to look after the shop."
Portrayed By
Lee Cook
First Appearance
Season 2 Episode 1: Gate Crashers
Last Regular Appearance
Season 3, Episode 6: Death By Paradox
Gibbons is a reformed criminal who changed his ways when he first met Professor Paradox and was given the choice to steal a priceless jewel or regift life.
He is an alien book worm creature who loves loitering around libraries and bookshops, which helped the Professor greatly when someone needed to mind Celestial Avenue as he frequently left Earth.
Gibbons however only remembers himself as a person thanks to Grizzler's intervening, giving him a human body to blend in society with.
After the Professor died, he and Lydia ran the bookshop together up until he, Casper and Violet went back in time to discover the truth behind the Glam Gizmo, and in his final adventure, sacrificed himself to save reality from impending doom.
All Stories
2.1 Gate Crashers
2.5 The Adaxis Asperity
2.6 Bone Island
2.7 The Bard At Factor's End
3.2 The Butcher Of Brunswick
3.5 3nDgAM3
3.6 Death By Paradox
Need-To-Know Facts
Coming Soon...
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